It’s not always easy, but that’s life.  Be strong!

Know that there are better days ahead.

We are several weeks into this coronavirus lockdown situation and it can only be assumed, since we are all “In This Together,” that we miss the life we had before!  Oh yeah, that includes interstate traffic, not getting our favorite machine at the gym and even the annoying coworker that is never quiet! We also miss breakfast meet ups with the girls, brews with the boys and any celebration that includes groups of people. We have had to change the way we think, feel, work and socialize.  We miss family, we miss friends, we miss our residents……some of us just want to hug someone. 


We are all going to miss the annual meeting in Florida this year. It’s the one company event that we look forward to attending and start planning for again the minute we get on the plane to head home. This is the week where we meet new managers, learn from each other, make new friends, laugh….and hug!  We discuss our challenges and our successes, share marketing strategies and resident retention ideas.  Mostly, we come together, not as coworkers, but as a Burlington family.  Now, summer is approaching and we are supposed to be getting ready for fun resident events.  We’ve waited all winter for pool parties and cookouts, breakfast on the go events, summer sizzling campaigns, and so many fun times to be had.  In some ways this break has given us a chance to change the way we think and plan.  After several weeks of isolation, spending time with people seems so much more important.  We no longer want the only interaction we have with people to be through our computers and smartphones.  It won’t be long now when fun resident social events will be back on your calendars.  When we get back to our normal lives it will feel so great to host coffee and donut Monday’s, pizza parties, cookouts in the courtyard, movie night at the pool, summer splash and ice cream sundae parties.  When you are ready……Creative Services will be here to help.  Good times are just around the corner and together we can make them happen!   


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